In April we are continuing to nurture the biological water system of our bodies known as the Lymph System or Lymphatic System. Like most fluid dynamic interventions there is a process to promote flow. Therefore, each of these exercises will build on the next and you don’t really want to skip ahead or you may create a little dam. So even if it is brief please perform the exercises in sequence. You may start to notice a pattern…
The first step to promoting lymph flow is to create an exit.
One great way to start that is with the breath.
When you inhale this drives the lymph fluid into the subclavian vein so it can exit the system.
Let’s practice…
Lymphatics Exercise: Creating an Exit with Breath – Week Two
Out of the Head and Onto the Mat
Find a comfortable position seated or lying or even standing.
Take a few moments to bring your breath into your conscious focus.
Gently begin to encourage the air in and out through your nostrils.
When you feel ready, begin inhaling with a little more intention.
Try to fill up the space just beneath your rib cage
When you feel full,
Pause and hold the breath in for just a moment
Exhale fully without straining and repeat for 5-10 rounds.
Keep your breath moving through your ribs while you bring the four fingers on each hand to just above the clavicle (collar bone) on each side. Gently tap them over the top edge of each clavicle simultaneously, drumming while moving slowly from the center toward each shoulder and back again. Set whatever cadence feels natural to you, let fingers bounce along with ease. No need to beat yourself up. Continue tapping for one to five minutes.
Off the Mat and Into Life
Get your fluids moving with exercise!
Choose a movement practice or exercise that promotes full body movement. Walking, jogging, swimming, etc. Don’t forget to at least start with a little extra attention and awareness around your breath.
If you want to learn more about the lymph system, follow along with Body IQ for the month of April. Each week of April I will offer insight into lymphatics. Thank you for being part of this mission of continuing to build our own Body IQ in community with each other.