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Strength Training Courses – Team Body IQ All Access

Strength Training Courses – Team Body IQ All Access

Team Body IQ All Access is a 6-week guided program for those that need a little more flexibility in their training and still want the knowledge and support of Body IQ.  You will need a gym membership or access to weight equipment beyond a basic home gym set up.  

Here is how the program works. You will receive a workout plan for a 6 week progressive strength training program.  

This includes:

  • 18 uniquely designed workouts that progress in a graded fashion to build muscle strength and endurance
  • A workout grid to follow and track your performance
  • 3 videos every week that guide you through each exercise and technique
  • An introduction video to give you a clear overview of the entire program
  • 2 more videos of a daily warm-up and bespoke cool down/recovery exercises designed to match that day’s muscle group
  • Direct access to Marnie through a weekly email to provide input on your progression, barriers and answer question

Each week the design follows the same cadence – 3 days per week, broken up by body region:

  • Legs
  • Chest and Triceps
  • Back and Biceps

We follow a double, triple set design, each triple set will then be followed by a 3 min superhero challenge. This will make sense as you watch the videos and work your way through the grid formIt is up to you what days of the week you choose to perform which body region. Expect about an hour of workout time each day.

The exercises and intensity will vary in a graded fashion to ensure you gain muscular strength and endurance without over training certain body areas or under training others.

Your weekly email includes 3 videos, a PDF file with the workout grid, and an introduction to the specific themes of the week. I encourage you to track your weight and repetitions. The goal is to increase the load on your muscles slowly and systematically.

Speaking of form, you will also receive video links. I will walk you through each exercise and highlight technique. Please remember that every body is different and comes with its own challenges, including mine.

If you are traveling or have to adjust the schedule for any reason that’s fine, that’s why you are in the ‘all access’ team. I’ll provide suggestions for how to approach adjustments or if you need to skip a week for some reason.

I look forward to hearing a reflection from you each week through email Tell me briefly how the week has played out, what are your celebrations, what are your challenges, and please ask any questions you may have. I am here for you.

Team Body IQ All Access: $150 for the 6-week program.

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