Can you image one of those oblong bright colored birthday balloons? Picture it about three fourths full of air and fluid. Now squeeze the bottom half of it. What happens to the air and the fluid? It all moves to the top of the balloon and that area expands right? Now release your pressure on the bottom and move it to the top. There is a moment when the air and water return evenly dispersed then when you squeeze the top, the air and fluid move to fill up the bottom of the balloon, right? If you keep doing this back and forth you are mimicking what happens in our body when we inhale and exhale using our diaphragm.
When we breathe we create a pressure gradient change and this helps to move fluid ‘up’ and ‘down’ in our body. Isn’t that cool!
What if I told you just by consciously controlling your breath you could use it to help drive nutrient dense fluid into your brain and move fluid that clears waist out of your brain.
Who doesn’t want to learn how to ‘wash’ their own brain?
Let’s practice.
Breath Exercise: Breath and Lymphatics
Out of the Head and Onto the Mat
Find a comfortable position seated or lying or even standing.
Take a few moments to bring your breath into your conscious focus.
Take note of its characteristics (hopefully you are getting more comfortable with noticing and have started identifying a few patterns).
Gently begin to encourage the air in and out through your nostrils.
With a little added strength, begin to draw in your inhale, keep slow and strong, take a little pause at the top of the breath, and then let the air leave through your nose. When you are empty again with just a nudge more of intention draw the air back in through your nose.
See if you can fill up your belly then your ribs and finally up into the chest and even all the way up to the crown of the head.
Relax, without creating any blocks/bandhas, hold the breath for a few moments then let it exhale back from the head – chest – ribs – belly.
Continue this practice as long as it feels comfortable.
Take a moment to notice any shifts in your system – body, mind, spirit.
Maybe choose to make a few notes in your journal.,
Off the Mat and Into Life
This week let’s set an intention that each time we open our computers we pause and take 3 – 5 conscious inhales.
Try to pair the activity, before you start your log-in, pause and draw a stronger, slower breath in through the nose let it fill the belly, ribs and chest. Pause let it linger a little while then let it out through the nose. Repeat a few rounds. Then work can begin.
If you really want to make this a challenge you could try to do this same pairing with your phone or other frequently used device.
When you take time to check in with your body, with your breath, in a variety of scenarios.
You will begin to advance your own Body IQ.
Feel free to return to any of these practices, Breath Observation, Squaring the Breath, and Breath and Pain as often as you need.
I love to hear your experiences and what you have learned.
Together we seek progress not perfection.
If you want to learn more about the lymph system, follow along with Body IQ for the month of April. Each week of April I will offer insight into lymphatics. A special note of thanks to Yoga Medicine and Tiffany Cruikshank for sharing knowledge and inspiration through their Lymphatics Yoga Teacher Training.